Sunday, August 17, 2008

Jude - My Bike Boy

So, I love this cute little swimsuit that Selah has. I wanted Josh to get a couple pics of her in it the other night when we were hanging out in the front yard because I think it's just so cute and girly. :)
And then there's my Jude bug, who is in love with bikes and helmets these days. Josh will occasionally ride his bike to work and Jude loves all things daddy! So Josh got him a little bike and helmet that he gets super excited about every morning when he wakes up and sees it and remembers that he'll once again get to play on it. :)

The last shot on this line up is of one of the little neighbor girl's bell on her bike that I thought was so cute: "i love my mom". Love it!


Pete and Rosie said...

Ah, I see the neighbor girls have swooped down on Jude too. They sure love to "help" :)

Pete and Rosie said...

Are you sure his helmet is on right? Check with Josh...


smartypantsless said...

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Eeeeee. Ee. Eeee.

Oh my, the kids are getting so big and adorable! And you guys look great. Can't wait to see you and catch up in Oct.

Still have no clue what my life will be. Please keep praying. But I do know that God is good and has some tricks still up his sleeve.

Love you guys,