Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Shooting in RAW

I've finally transitioned over to shooting in RAW and I'm loving it!! I'm amazed at the detail I was missing before. Since getting home from our California trip, I've barely been able to separate myself from my camera. I've been wanting to capture everything (in RAW) and test out my new skills in Photoshop CS2. It's almost overwhelming how much I still have to learn, but that's okay. Each day is a step closer.

Josh is the most supportive husband when it comes to my photography! There have been many days when things here at home go undone because I'm on a photo cloud and can't get down. He encourages me and supports me, inspires me, and puts up with me always saying, "can I just get a few family pictures to practice on?" And then during the photo shoot, "Oh, just one more. Oops, that one wasn't good. Just one more..." :)

These two were snapped last night after getting home from errands. I'm so blessed! Thank you Lord for my Josh and our Jude.

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