Monday, May 19, 2008

A Month Old Already!

Time flies when you're having fun! :) Our little Selah girl is already 4 weeks old. She's growing fast, yet still so tiny. I'm soaking up her "newborn-ness".
Her awake times are increasing each day, and we enjoy seeing her pretty blue eyes and talking to her, telling her how loved she is. :)
Here's two photos with big brother Jude, and then a few snapshots of her sitting on a blanket in her infant seat. We were just chillin' out in the shade in the front yard the other night and I snapped these couple pics of her right before the sprinklers came on and showered the whole backside of me! :)


Jessica Jordan said...

I love these!

BruceandBarbara said...

Besides having two of the most beautiful children I've ever seen (except mine of course!) you are so talented. You capture the purity and peace of these babies! I can't wait to have a grandchild so I can ask you to take some pictures!!
Barbara Cleaver

Eyes_Wide_Open said...


ellen said...

Lucky for Aspen that she's got a cute cousin close in age!