Friday, December 5, 2008

Handsome Little Guy

I was so impressed with how this family braved the rain! We seriously shot in a downpour that showed up at shooting time and we used any covered location we could find. Jen has the most joyful smile I think I've ever seen - so contagious. And look at how cute their little boy is! He's beautiful.
We found this funny anger management wheel undercover where we were shooting. :)

1 comment:

Jessica Jordan said...

Derek is such a handsome boy. We met this fun couple at birth class last year and our boys are just a couple of weeks apart. Derek and Tyler have very similar destructive preferences ... what good is a toy if you can't smash it? Jen is so beautiful, inside and out, and SUCH a good mommy. I just love the photos (as always), and am excited to watch Derek grow up (with little Tyler in his shadow ... but just as big in energy!!!) ~ Jessica PS: Bethany, totally agree on the new card night tradition. SO FUN.