Sunday, November 27, 2011


When Josh and I were first married we had so much fun living by our friends Matt & Jana. We played cards, dehydrated apples, Jana taught me how to give Josh a hair cut :)... just fun times being young marrieds and laughing a lot.
Over the years we've gone on vacations together, all centered around card playing, we've had kids at the same time (usually within weeks of each other), and now we're all gluten-free/dairy-free together. Haha, that last one I don't think any of us would've chosen, but it's been good for us all in it's own way!
I got to do an official photo shoot of their family for the first time this year and it was a lot of fun. We took these down on OSU's campus in Corvallis.

Matt & Jana, thank you for being such dear friends. Your friendship is a gift. {Hugs}


Eyes_Wide_Open said...

Oh, they're gorgeous!! Don't you love them? :)

Chelsi Ritter said...

wow bethany i didn't realize you were gluten free and dairy free too. i tried going off dairy after oakley was born and lasted about 5 was one of the hardest 5 weeks of my life!! my hat's off to you!